This exhibition was made possible through a Belgo-Congolese partnership involving the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA), the Institut des Musées nationaux du Congo (IMNC) and the Université de Kinshasa.

It is dedicated to all the victims of violence in Congo.

Exhibition 'Indépendance!' online:

  • RMCA Director General: Dr Guido Gryseels
  • Curators: Dr Bambi Ceuppens (RMCA), Prof.Joseph Ibongo (IMNC) and Prof. Jacob Sabakinu (UNIKIN)
  • Thanks to Dr Sabine Cornelis (RMCA) for the introduction: Geopolitical Context
  • Museology: Christine Bluard (RMCA)
  • Rewriting: François de Coninck
  • Translation, proofreading and review: Benoît Albinovanus (RMCA), Ann Debbaut (RMCA), Emily Divinagracia (RMCA), Isabelle Gerard (RMCA), Lee Gillette (RMCA), Miriam Tessens (RMCA)
  • Exhibition Design: Sandra Eelen (RMCA)
  • Graphic Design: Friederike Kratky (RMCA)
  • Communication: Bieke Janssens (RMCA)
  • Website: Benoît Hardy (RMCA), Son Du (RMCA)